Overall job postings for the period of May 30 to June 12th remained relatively static and have plateaued since late May.  Postings are averaging between 2,200 and 2,500 per week. 

Job Posting in Toronto (Chart)
Source: Vicinity Jobs

While a far cry from the Pre-COVID postings in the 4,000 range, the numbers should get better as Toronto and Peel Region move to the next stage of economic reopening on Wednesday.  During this next phase, restrictions will be eased for restaurant patios, barbershops, nail salons, malls, and recreational facilities. 

Total Job Postings in Toronto: Three Weeks Trend (Chart)
Source: Vicinity Jobs

Once Toronto enters into the next phase of reopening, we expect that our next release of job posting numbers will reflect more positive job information in retail, transportation, and hospitality. 

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  • Toronto Workforce Innovation Group is a non-profit and independent research organization devoted to finding and promoting solutions to employment-related problems in the Toronto Region.

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Job Postings Remain Static as Toronto Moves Towards Phase 2

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