Mining and quarrying (except oil and gas)
North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 212
This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing metallic and non-metallic minerals, including coal.
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in mining bituminous and lignite coal by underground mining, and auger mining, strip mining, culm bank mining and other surface mining. Mining operations and preparation plants (also known as cleaning plants and washeries), whether or not such plants are operated in conjunction with mine sites, are included.
Learn More Follow This SectorThis industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in mining metallic minerals (ores). Also included are establishments engaged in ore dressing and beneficiating operations, whether performed at mills operated in conjunction with the mines served or at mills, such as custom mills, operated separately. These include mills that crush, grind, wash, dry, sinter, calcine or leach ore, or perform gravity separation or flotation operations.
Learn More Browse 3 Jobs Follow This SectorThis industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in mining or quarrying non-metallic minerals, except coal. Primary preparation plants, such as those engaged in crushing, grinding and washing, are included.
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