Retaining older employees who are nearing retirement is a strategic approach to addressing labor shortages. Here’s a guide based on a StatsCan survey and various studies, including solutions to potential barriers:

  1. Offer Part-Time Transition Options

    StatsCan Survey Insights: 55.1% of employees expressed a desire to prolong working lives with part-time options.

    Implement Flexible Hours: 48.9% would continue working with fewer hours if they had the option without affecting their pension.

  2. Reduce Job Stress and Physical Demands

    Adapt Roles: 43% of employees would stay if offered less stressful or physically demanding jobs.

  3. Provide Interesting Work and Upskilling

    Career Enrichment: 37.6% consider extending careers for more interesting work, including upskilling or reskilling or redeployment

  4. Financial Incentives

    Pay Raises: 34.2% cite a pay raise as a motivator to remain in the workforce.

  5. Health and Disability Accommodations

    Support Health Challenges: Accommodate health-related issues and disabilities, as these often lead to early retirement.

  6. Foster Workplace Integration

    Combat Exclusion: Address exclusionary behavior and bullying, especially prevalent among employees aged 55+.

  7. Continuous Training and Opportunities

    Invest in Training: Offer training in new technologies and skills, countering the trend of fewer career conversations and training opportunities for those nearing retirement.

  8. Semi-Retirement and Consultancy Roles

    Flexible Work Arrangements: Bring back retirees on a part-time, semi-retirement, or consultancy basis.

    Only 25% of Canadian employers offer semi-retirement despite the growing number of retirees and labour shortages

    Among companies offering semi-retirement, 33% reported an increase in the number of employees choose semi-retirement over the past 2 years, and 52% of employees who retired in the past 2 years were younger than 65, 27% younger then 60.

  9. Address Financial Barriers

    Tackle Income Support Program Claws Backs: Address issues with OAS, GIS, and provincial supplements that penalize additional income.

    Pension Plan Adjustments: Ensure pension plans don’t discourage later retirement due to service credit accrual or earnings cap.

    Employees cannot contribute to RRSPs after 71, eliminating benefits from continued employment.

  10. Improve Working Conditions

    Ergonomic Solutions: Use ergonomics to enhance working conditions.

    Task Automation: Exploit automation to reduce physical strain.

    Frequent Rest Breaks: Implement breaks to prevent fatigue.

  11. Lifelong Training and Expanded Benefits

    Continuous Learning: Provide ongoing training and learning opportunities, which usually exclude older workers

    Enhanced Health Benefits: Offer comprehensive health benefits for workers aged 65+.

    Private employer sponsored occupational pension plans can include subsidies for those taking early retirement and penalties for those delaying early retirement, both of which discourage continued employment

  12. Case Study: BMW’s Approach

    Technological Tools and Design: Focus on equipping older workers with technology and designing workplaces considering their needs.

    Blended Work and Remote Options: Offer tech training and remote work opportunities, especially for those with mobility issues.

    Pension Plans for Later Retirement: Encourage and reward delayed retirement with a combination of pension and work income.

  13. Address Workplace Culture

    Combat Age Discrimination: Actively address bullying and age discrimination.

    Skill Development: Encourage continuous skill development.

    Employment Assistance: Provide assistance for older adults in job finding.

By implementing these strategies, employers can effectively retain older, experienced employees, contributing to a diverse and skilled workforce while addressing labor shortages.


  • Toronto Workforce Innovation Group is a non-profit and independent research organization devoted to finding and promoting solutions to employment-related problems in the Toronto Region.

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How to Guide: Retain Older Near Retirement Employees in Workforce to address labour shortages
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