De-skilling is a significant challenge faced by newcomers who struggle to integrate into the workforce due to mismatched skills and experiences. This guide provides a clear understanding of the de-skilling process and offers strategies for employers to address this issue effectively.

What is De-skilling?

De-skilling occurs when individuals are unable to utilize their skills and experience in their new environment, leading to a gradual erosion of their abilities. This is particularly common among immigrants who face barriers to employment in their field of expertise.

The De-skilling Cycle

  1. Initial Employment Challenges: New immigrants often can’t find jobs that match their skills and experience.
  2. Survival Jobs: To make ends meet, they take on low-skill jobs unrelated to their expertise.
  3. Delayed Workforce Entry: Their entry into relevant sectors gets delayed, leading to a gap in practicing their professional skills.
  4. De-skilling: Skills begin to deteriorate due to lack of use.
  5. Further Delays and Isolation: Continued delays lead to social and professional isolation.
  6. Reinforced Employment Challenges: The cycle reinforces itself, making it increasingly difficult to find employment that matches their skills and experience.

How Employers Can Help

  1. Recognize Transferable Skills: Look beyond traditional qualifications and recognize the transferable skills that immigrants bring.
  2. Create Internship and Mentorship Programs: Offer programs that allow newcomers to gain local experience and showcase their skills.
  3. Provide Skills Assessment and Training: Offer skills assessments to understand their capabilities and provide training to bridge any gaps.
  4. Encourage Professional Networking: Facilitate opportunities for newcomers to build professional networks.
  5. Implement Inclusive Hiring Practices: Ensure your hiring practices are inclusive and do not inadvertently exclude qualified immigrant candidates.
  6. Support Credential Recognition: Assist in the process of getting foreign credentials recognized.
  7. Offer Language and Cultural Training: Provide language training if necessary, and help newcomers understand the cultural nuances of the workplace.
  8. Promote a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace: Foster an environment where diverse experiences and backgrounds are valued.

By understanding the process of de-skilling and implementing supportive strategies, employers can play a crucial role in helping newcomers integrate effectively into the workforce. This not only benefits the individuals but also enriches the organization with diverse perspectives and skills.


  • Toronto Workforce Innovation Group is a non-profit and independent research organization devoted to finding and promoting solutions to employment-related problems in the Toronto Region.

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Tips: Understanding and addressing de-skilling among newcomers, a guide for employers
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