Current Initiatives
A Big Economy through Small Business – Examining Microenterprises in Toronto
A microenterprise is generally defined as a small business that employs fewer than five people. This project will examine the composition of microenterprises in Toronto to understand: the demographics of microenterprise ownership, what industries they are in, as well as the industries that are succeeding in attracting marginalized populations to start their own microenterprise, and the industries that are not.
Designing Success – Sector and Occupational Analysis of Design Work
Designers tend to work as freelancers and income levels do not generally increase with level of education. When available, labour market data on those working in the design industry is limited to specific disciplines and not generally comparable across the entire industry. Both skill and labour market gaps are poorly understood. TWIG will conduct a robust analysis of data, and the merits and challenges of design work, to profile the various labour market related aspects of the design industry and those working in it.
Introduction to Industry 4.0
Factories and supply chains are increasingly interconnected through advanced networking and computing technologies. This cyber-physical connectivity is often called Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 can help achieve better product quality and innovation, improve manufacturing process efficiency and productivity, and increase supply chain connectivity. Working with several food processing manufacturers, we will prepare a case study on the positive impacts of Industry 4.0 and the implications it has on occupations and skills.
What is the New Normal? Rethinking the Way Education and Training are Delivered
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruption and challenges to our population, economy and health. Toronto’s employment and training system was not immune from these challenges. In discussions with Employment Ontario (EO) service providers and post-secondary institutions, there is a feeling that some types of services (e.g. training) may never return to normal, and may be better delivered on-line even after the pandemic is over. This study will examine how some EO programs pivoted during the pandemic, and how a change in delivery modes may better support clients in a post-pandemic Toronto.
Apprenticeship of the Month
This year, we will be publishing a unique apprenticeship profile on our website. The twelve profiles will feature skilled trades in construction, industrial, motive power, and service. Each profile will contain occupational forecasts, information on how to become an apprentice (routes to apprenticeship), the skills or prerequisites required to enter the trade, and the earnings that the worker can expect to earn once they have been certified.
Understanding the Options – LMI for High School Career Guidance Counsellors
Most high school students struggle to determine what careers should they consider. Furthermore, It is clear that there is a need to assist High School teachers and counsellors in working with LMI, finding LMI that speaks to 15-16 year-olds, assessing LMI quality, integrating LMI into classroom activities and contributing to the improvement of LMI tools for student career guidance. Working with teachers across Toronto, TWIG will create an adaptable toolkit, presentation and associated class activities to support teachers and students.
Occupations Supporting Aging Population in Toronto
The number of people in Toronto aged 65 and over is expected to almost double by 2041. As Toronto’s population ages, how to support seniors to lead better lives has become a pressing question and an opportunity for industry and entrepreneurs. This trend is going to have an impact on workforce needs and is critical information that can be shared with the community and Employment Ontario service providers. In this project, TWIG will explore the industries, skills, and associated occupations that are likely to experience growth due to this demographic change.
In this age of rapidly emerging needs for new skill sets, microcredential is the new buzz word. Microcredentials help to mold specific skills through earning mini-qualifications that align with the needs of the industry. TWIG will focus on identifying the types of microcredentials currently available to Torontonians and shed light upon the industries and occupations asking for these credentials. Research into this emerging area would help Torontonians find and pay for short courses of immediate career value.
A One-Stop Information Platform on Government COVID-19 Support and Services
During consultations with TWIG, both workers and employers alike expressed limited knowledge and confusion about available government supports during the pandemic. To help guide companies, workers and job seekers that are unaware of the programs for which they may be eligible, TWIG will showcasing a comprehensive list of government resources (federal, provincial and municipal) that can support Toronto-based businesses and individuals.
Toronto’s Screen Industry Project
Toronto’s screen industry (film, television and digital media) is recognized globally for its innovation and creativity and is a key economic driver for the city of Toronto, with continuous growth and record-breaking production investments. In order to strategically champion this growing industry, TWIG will publish a series of occupational profiles for Toronto’s screen industry highlighting skills required for success and paths to achieving those skills.
Supporting Veterans
Most new veterans leaving Canada’s military today are highly skilled, exceptionally trained leaders and managers eager to pursue exciting new challenges and ready to make their mark in the world outside of the armed forces. While many veterans make easy transitions to other forms of employment, 25% reported a difficult adjustment to civilian life and jobs. This project will focus on creating a one-stop resource platform highlighting the supports available to veterans.