Educational services

North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 611

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing instruction and training in a wide variety of subjects. This instruction and training is provided by specialized establishments, such as schools, colleges, universities and training centres. The subsector is structured according to the level and type of educational services provided. Elementary and secondary schools, community colleges, CollËges d'enseignement gÈnÈral et professionnel (C.E.G.E.P.s) and universities correspond to a recognized series of formal levels of education designated by diplomas, associate degrees (and equivalent certificates) and degrees. The remaining industry groups are based on the type of instruction or training offered and the levels are not always as formally defined. The establishments are often highly specialized, many offering instruction in a very limited subject matter, for example, ski lessons or one specific type of software. Within the subsector, the level and types of training that are required of the instructors and teachers vary depending on the industry.

6111 · Elementary and secondary schools
33 Jobs

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing academic courses that comprise a basic preparatory education, that is, Kindergarten to Grade 12.

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6112 · Community colleges and C.E.G.E.P.s
23 Jobs

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing academic, or academic and technical courses and granting associate degrees, certificates or diplomas that are below the university level. The requirement for admission to an associate or equivalent degree program is at least a high school diploma or equivalent general academic training.

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6113 · Universities
132 Jobs

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing academic courses and granting degrees at the bachelor or graduate levels. The requirement for admission is at least a high school diploma or equivalent general academic training for baccalaureate programs, and often a baccalaureate degree for professional or graduate programs.

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6114 · Business schools and computer and management training
2 Jobs

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing courses in office procedures and secretarial and stenographic skills; conducting training in all phases of computer activities, including computer programming, software packages, computerized business systems, computer electronics technology, computer operations and local area network management; and offering an array of short-duration courses and seminars for management and professional development.

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6115 · Technical and trade schools
3 Jobs

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing vocational and technical training in a variety of technical subjects and trades. The training often leads to non-academic certification. Vocational correspondence schools are also included.

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6116 · Other schools and instruction
29 Jobs

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing instruction in fine arts; athletics and sports; languages; and other instruction (except academic, business, computer, management, and technical and trade instruction); and providing services, such as tutoring and exam preparation.

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6117 · Educational support services
6 Jobs

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing non-instructional services that support educational processes or systems.

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