Radio and television broadcasting

North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 5151

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating broadcasting studios and facilities for the transmission of a variety of radio and television broadcasts, including entertainment, news, talk shows and other programs. These establishments produce, purchase and schedule programs; and generate revenues from the sale of air time to advertisers, from donations and subsidies, or from the sale of programs.

51511 · Radio broadcasting
3 Jobs

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating broadcasting studios and facilities for the production and transmission of radio programs to its affiliates or the public. The radio broadcasts may include entertainment, news, talk shows and other programs.

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51512 · Television broadcasting
21 Jobs

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating broadcasting studios and facilities for the production, and over-the-air transmission to the public, of a variety of television programs. Programming may originate in their own studios, from an affiliated network or from external sources.

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