Non-store retailers

North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 454

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing merchandise by non-store retail methods. The establishments of this subsector employ methods, such as broadcasting infomercials, broadcasting and publishing direct-response advertising, publishing traditional and electronic catalogues, door-to-door solicitation, in-home demonstration, temporary displaying of merchandise (temporary stands or stalls), distribution by vending machines, and using the Internet to reach their customers and market their merchandise. Establishments primarily engaged in the direct sale (i.e. non-store) of products such as home heating fuels and in newspaper delivery are also included.

4541 · Electronic shopping and mail-order houses
2 Jobs

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing all types of merchandise using the electronic and print media to induce direct response by the customer. These establishments can employ methods, such as broadcasting infomercials, broadcasting and publishing direct-response advertising and publishing traditional or electronic catalogues, to display their merchandise and reach their customers. They can also provide websites facilitating consumer-to-consumer or business-to-consumer trade in new and used goods, on an auction basis, using the Internet. Transactions between these retailers and their customers typically require the use of information technology (telephone or computer network) and the delivery of merchandise is typically done by mail or courier. Establishments primarily engaged in retailing from catalogue showrooms, without stock, are included.

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4542 · Vending machine operators
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This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in owning, stocking and servicing vending machines designed to retail merchandise.

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4543 · Direct selling establishments
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This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in non-store retailing, except direct-response advertising and operating vending machines. These establishments use methods, such as home delivery, door-to-door solicitation, in-home demonstration and displaying of merchandise through temporary stalls or kiosks, to reach their customers and market their merchandise. Direct sales establishments may operate from an office and have incidental sales of items.

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