Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing

North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 3254

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing drugs, medicines and related products for human or animal use. Establishments in this industry may undertake one or more of several processes, including basic processes, such as chemical synthesis, fermentation, distillation and solvent extraction; grading, grinding and milling; and packaging in forms suitable for internal and external use, such as tablets, vials, ampoules and ointments.

32541 · Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing
14 Jobs

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing drugs, medicines and related products for human or animal use. Establishments in this industry may undertake one or more of several processes, including basic processes, such as chemical synthesis, fermentation, distillation and solvent extraction; grading, grinding and milling; and packaging in forms suitable for internal and external use, such as tablets, vials, ampoules and ointments.

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