Animal production and aquaculture

North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 112

This subsector comprises establishments, such as ranches, farms and feedlots, primarily engaged in raising animals, producing animal products and fattening animals. Industries have been created taking into account input factors such as suitable grazing or pasture land, specialized buildings, type of equipment, and the amount and type of labour required. An establishment is classified within this subsector provided that fifty percent or more of the establishment's agricultural production consists of animal production or aquaculture. Establishments with fifty percent or more animal production or aquaculture and with no one product or family of products accounting for fifty percent of the production are treated as combination animal farms and classified to 11299 All other animal production.

1121 · Cattle ranching and farming
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This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in raising, milking and fattening cattle.

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1122 · Hog and pig farming
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This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in raising hogs and pigs.

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1123 · Poultry and egg production
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This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in breeding, hatching and raising poultry for meat or egg production.

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1124 · Sheep and goat farming
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This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in raising sheep and goats, and feeding or fattening lambs.

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1125 · Aquaculture
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This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in farm-raising aquatic animals and plants. Establishments primarily engaged in raising both aquatic animals and plants in integrated growing operations, aquaponics, are also included. These activities can occur both in natural waters and in artificial aquatic impoundments and include the use of some form of intervention in the rearing or growing process to enhance production.

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1129 · Other animal production
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This industry group comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry group, primarily engaged in raising animals, such as bees, horses and other equines, rabbits and other fur-bearing animals, llamas, deer, worms, crickets, laboratory animals and companion animals, for example dogs, cats, pet birds and other pets. The production of animal products, such as honey and other bee products, are also included. Establishments primarily engaged in raising a combination of animals, with no one predominating, are also included in this industry group.

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